Taking Care of Me

It’s been a really long time since I’ve felt like writing. There has been so much going on, too many emotions, ridiculous amounts of stress that I finally realized I’ve been completely neglectful when it comes to taking care of myself.
Today, I decided that needed to change. Immediately.

The summer has been challenging to say the least. Between my son’s sensory dysregulation, my daughter graduating grade school, and miserable back to back heat waves, my whole family has been feeling the pressure.

This morning after returning home from camp drop off I made a conscious decision to abort any productive plans I had in lieu of spending quality time with myself. I deserved it, I thought.

It started with some puppy love. Just sitting on the sofa and snuggling the two furry, loyal critters in this house who don’t talk back.

Then I decided to make breakfast. Not an eatoverthesinkoutofthepoticookedwith kind of breakfast, but a real meal eaten on real china at the dining table. You know, like a civilized human being.

Something remarkable happened… I enjoyed a meal in peace. I turned on some music before I sat down and spent Ten! Whole! Minutes! to eat my food while it was still hot. I even put the fork down between bites! I know that’s something that I haven’t done in years. I’m always rushing through my meal in a desperate attempt to finish it before the next kid related crisis occurs. It was a wonderful experience. I actually tasted what I was eating for the first time in ages.

When I had finished my breakfast I not only felt like I had nourished my body, but my soul as well.

In the tiny amount of time I spent taking care of me, I discovered that I don’t always have to feel like a cranky, stressed out mom. I deserve to feel important in my own life. I needed this time to just…breathe.

When it was time to pick my children up from camp, I felt like I had taken a mini vacation. I actually felt…calm. The frazzled woman at drop off had been replaced by a happy and rejuvenated mama.

We ALL deserve a little “me” time. Find just ten minutes a week if that’s all you can spare and take care of YOU. Its so easy to forget yourself in the daily shuffle of a busy life but if mama is broken, so is every single thing around her.

What are you waiting for? Go find your ten minutes and take care of YOU!